Carbs and calories are the most confusing elements for many. Some people believe that it is the carbs that make them fat, others believe that it is the calorie that makes fat. But actually what makes you fat. Is it the carbs or the calories?
First take a look at the calories. If you eat more calories than you burn you will gain weight, that's true so you have to eat fewer calories than your maintenance calorie level. Suppose if your given calories is 2500kcal to maintain current body weight and you are taking only 2000 kcal to lose weight. So according to theory you will lose weight. But what if all your 2000 calories are coming from junk foods, fried foods or ice creams. Will you still lose weight? No.They all will easily get stored as body fat. So it is not only the calories but the type of calories you eat each day determines your weight loss.
Now take the case of carbs. If you are eating low glycemic index carbohydrates like brown rice, oatmeal and fibrous carbs like broccoli, asparagus etc without crossing the calorie maintenance level you will not gain weight. But what if you are eating high glycemic index carbohydrates like white bread or white rice throughout the day even without crossing the maintenance level.You will gain weight. But if you are consuming it in the right time, that is after your workouts you will not gain weight. All other times stick with low glycemic index carbs.
So the bottom line is that it is not only the calories and carbs that makes you fat but the type of calories and carbs you eat. So you should not eat more than you burn and you have to chose the right food and calories to lose weight.
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