"Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle" is a weight loss or a "fat loss" program designed by Tom Venuto, a respected fatloss expert, natural bodybuilder and personal trainer, in which he teaches the fat burning secrets of the World's best Fitness Models and Bodybuilders. This program was also known as the "punishment given to the multi-million fat loss industry", who used to rob people's money by introducing to worthless pills and equipments. Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle is also the #1 best selling diet and fitness ebook in the history of the Internet.
Here are some of the most common questions asked about the program:
1. Is BFFM only for bodybuilders?
No. The program is aimed at each and every individual who wants to lose weight. There is also special sections in the book for women. The program also gives a lot of information for competitive bodybuilders and fitness models.
2. What if I don't want to build muscles or get bulky?
Building muscle is a long term process. It is not an easy task especially for women who do not have much testosterone. The huge bodybuilders you see in the magazines uses steroids and other perfomance enhancing drugs. Tom gives a lot of tips to build muscle and that too for competitive bodybuilders who wants to strip their bodyfat. If you don't want to build muscle, just ignore that.
3. Should I have to use any weight loss pills?
No. BFFM is a complete natural fat loss program. Tom doesn't advice anyone to use pills. He also clearly states how the weight loss occurs when using pills and why you should completely avoid it.
4. Is this a low carb diet program?
No. BFFM is neither a low carb diet, high protein diet or high fat diet. Tom shows you exactly how to determine your own ideal protein, carbs and fat ratio. You will be able to analyze your body type (are you an endomorph, ectomorph, or mesomorph?), you will determine your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate, or the amount of maintenance calories your body requires every day), and you will discover whether you are carb tolerant or carb intolerant.
5. How fast can I lose weight?
BFFM is not a quick fix or "lose 30 pounds in 30 days" hype. Tom gives the actual reason behind losing 10 or more pounds in a week or two and why it is not healthier and most importantly he shows you how much fat you gained even though you lose weight on these quick fixes. But with BFFM you can easily lose 1-2 pounds a week and that too from fat.
6. What are the drawbacks of BFFM?
If there is any drawback to the Burn the Fat ebook, it’s that it contains so much information that some readers may find it a bit overwhelming. Those who are looking for a CliffsNotes quick-start type of fat loss program, might be a bit intimidated at first. The good part, however, is that even these types of readers can feel confident and assured that it will be worth the effort because this will literally be the last book they ever have to buy on the subject.
7. You said that this is the only book needed to buy on weight loss. What all will I learn in this e-book?
It's a very good question. So it's better to show actually what is in this e-book.
Here's the Table Of Contents of BFFM
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Chapter 1: Goal setting: How to set powerful, compelling goals that will propel you forward and charge you up with unstoppable motivation
Chapter 2: Why 95% of all conventional diets fail - And the 8 most powerful strategies to permanently lose fat without diets or deprivation
Chapter 3: Body composition: How to determine your fat to muscle ratio
Chapter 4: Charting your progress: How to use performance feedback to get from where you are to where you want to be
Chapter 5: Metabolic individuality and your body type: Doing your best with what you’ve got
Chapter 6: The law of calorie balance and the mathematics of losing body fat
Chapter 7: Secrets of meal frequency & timing: How to turbo charge your metabolism and turn your body into a fat-burning machine!
Chapter 8: Macronutrient ratios: The optimal combination of protein, carbohydrates and fats
for improving your muscle to fat ratio
Chapter 9: Good fats vs. bad fats: How to speed up fat loss, boost muscle growth, increase energy and rev up your metabolism by eating the right fats in the right amounts at the right times
Chapter 10: Protein: The muscle builder and metabolic activator – How much you really need
Chapter 11: Clearing up carbohydrate confusion: Are carbohydrates your friends or foes?
Chapter 12: How to get as lean as a bodybuilder or fitness model using a new twist on the old
low carbohydrate diet
Chapter 13: Why water is essential for fat loss, how much you need, and what else you should (and shouldn’t) drink
Chapter 14: The BFFM eating plan: How to design your own effective and result producing meals and menus.
Chapter 15: Supplements: What the supplement companies hope you never find out
Chapter 16: Cardio training secrets for maximum fat loss: Why it’s better to burn the fat than
to starve the fat.
Chapter 17: Weight training for fat loss: Why diet and cardio are not enough
Conclusion: The journey is just beginning.

Download Your Copy Of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Now!
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