Cardio is the most common ways to boost your weight loss along with a good diet. But the problem is that most people doesn't know how to structure a quality cardio workout and seems to have a lot of questions regarding cardio. Here I will clear most of them.
Benefits of cardio
There is a lot of benefits doing cardio, but here we will discuss a few:
1.Cardio boosts the calorie burning and to lose weight.
2.It improves the condition of your heart and lungs.
3.It reduces the risk of heart diseases, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes.
4.It boost your metabolism for hours after your workout, which helps in fat loss.
What is the typical cardio routine?
A cardio session can be any physical activity from, walking, jogging, swimming etc. that directly burns bodyfat. It is not necessary to use any costly equipments. It all depends on the personal preferences. If you do n't like to go for jogging or outdoor activities you can use treadmills. One of the most important feature to use an equipment is that it show the accurate result, that is, it will show how much calories you have burned and how many miles you ran. If you prefer cardio machines then use any of these.
2.Recumbent Bike
3.Stair Master
4.Stair Stepper
These can be found on almost every gym or you can buy it from Amazon at a cheaper rate, if you prefer your workouts in the comfort of your own home.
How much cardio should I have to do?
This is the most common question I have been hearing from a lot of people and trainees. The common myth that prevailing in the weight loss industry is to do long duration and low intensity cardio to burn fat. Actually there is no need to do long duration boring cardio session everyday to lose weight. Short high intensity cardio burns more fat than the long low intensity cardio. It should only need to be around 30-45 minutes with high intensity for 3-5 times a week. When first starting you need to do only 20 minutes cardio, then slowly increase the duration upon progression. Like wise when you first start, you need to only 3 times a week and increase it to 5 or even 7 times per week.
When to do cardio? Or at what time you should do cardio?
It all depends on your personal preferences, you can do it at any time you like, but the most common and better time to do cardio is the first thing in the morning when wake up with an empty stomach. The morning cardio session tends to be more effective than the evening session because your metabolism stays elevated for longer periods after your workout is over, which helps to burn fat even when you are resting.
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