How To Increase Your Metabolism ?

Metabolism is the amount of calories your body burns to maintain itself. Your metabolism burns calories even when you are resting. So what if you increase your metabolism ? When you increase your metabolism you will burn more calories even at rest, which leads to faster weight loss without even lifting a finger. So here are some powerful tips to increase your metabolism.

1.Eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day spaced 2-3 hours. It prevents your body going into starvation mode. It also keeps you satisfied, prevent cravings and over eating.

2.Do not skip your break fast. Break fast is the most important meal for everyone. When you wake up after an eight hours of sleep you are in a catabolic state. So it's important to have your breakfast within 1 hour.

3.Lift weights. Include a weight training session 3-4 times a week. Muscles burns more calories at rest than fats. So it's important to train with weights.

4.Take a portion of protein with every meal. Our body burns more calories digesting proteins than carbohydrates. If you are tired with taking fish and chicken you can supplement two or three meals with protein shakes.

5.Perform high intensity cardio. Cardio increases metabolism and the greater benefit is that your metabolism stays elevated even after your actual cardio session.

6.Reduce stress. Stress causes the body release the catabolic hormone cortisol, which breaks down protein into glucose. The body will store this excess glucose into fat. Cortisol is also the enemy of muscles. It breaks down the muscles, and when you lose muscles you will slow down your metabolism.

7.Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. Studies have shown that drinking 8 glass of water daily will burn some extra calories.

8.Get eight hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep increases the level of cortisol, increases blood sugar levels which interfere's with the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates. This leads to higher insulin levels and fat storage.

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